Liars and Sociopaths: Criminal Government and Their Minions–Linda4444 and Her Ilk

He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High, Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust.
For He will command His angels concerning you, to guard you in all your ways.
Psalm 91:1-2, 11

Fight to the death for truth and the Lord God will fight for you.
Ecclestiasticus of Sirach

From former FBI Agent and whistleblower Geral Sosbee

The FBI’s CJIS [Criminal Justice Information System] fabricates files on millions of Americans (including congress) in order to blackmail or otherwise threaten them with ruination; many such files are based on rumor and unsubstantiated claims made by FBI paid informants and operatives and by professional liars. The CJIS together with the FBI/CIA can thus destroy any Target at will. These are the fools who have brought about totalitarian rule in the  United States of America.

The FBI is nervous over the recent global attention to FBI/CIA crimes against humanity, as Sosbee and others outline, sends a message [see link to original report].

For more info on the traitorous and corrupt hoodlums who run CJIS see:

For evidence of the FBI’s efforts to kill or imprison me see the 19 parts of ‘My Story’ at:


From Barbara Hartwell Percival

From my many years of being a Target of these criminals in government, I have come to know well the psychopathology which is at the root of their godlessness, ther lack of humanity and their twisted perceptions.

As for the fabricated files Geral describes, this tactic has been used in attempts to ruin the good names of many honorable people, whistleblowers, journalists and activists, simply because they defend Liberty and unalienable rights for ALL, expose Truth, and seek Justice for the wrongful actions of these perpetrators.

Geral Sosbee, Barbara Hartwell, Janet Phelan and many others (some of whom are our friends and colleagues) have been targeted for these fabricated files as well as forgeries, not only by the government, but by their minions, who are tasked with destroying the credibility of Targets by character assassination and by fabricating and disseminating the most outrageous of lies.

Some of these perps are also engaged in blackmail, extortion and monstrous invasions of privacy, soliciting crimes against Targets by posting private street addresses on the Internet.

The key to dealing with these assaults is to NOT let them intimidate you, nor silence you, nor neutralize you, no matter how much emotional distress (and other damages) they generate with their lies, slander, libel, harassment and threats.

Part of the “ruin” they seek is not only against your good name, but to every aspect of your life.

Remember that no decent, self-respecting, honorable person would ever use threats, libel and slander as a weapon; nor would bear false witness against anyone, nor torment, stalk, harass or persecute anyone, nor make a scapegoat of anyone, not even their worst enemy. God certainly expects us to expose truth and seek justice, but never to do evil with intent of malice to another.

No Godly person will return evil for evil, but will pray for those who persecute them. I admit, this is not easy for me, but it is my duty as a Christian.

Pray for God’s protection against these evildoers and ask your Brothers and Sisters in Christ for their intercessory prayers. Prayer is the greatest power available to us, and it can literally work miracles!

It is important to understand the mentality of these perps. They are sociopaths, who seek to control all those around them using deception and intimidation tactics.  But always know that their demonic lies cannot stand in the Light of God’s Truth.

This profile gives an overview of the psychopathology of those who are threatening ruin to God’s children, persecuting His saints and angels.

May God’s Grace and Peace be with you and may angels always protect you.

Barbara Hartwell Percival
June 28, 2011




This website summarizes some of the common features of descriptions of the behavior of sociopaths.

Glibness and Superficial Charm

Manipulative and Conning
They never recognize the rights of others and see their self-serving behaviors as permissible. They appear to be charming, yet are covertly hostile and domineering, seeing their victim as merely an instrument to be used. They may dominate and humiliate their victims.

Grandiose Sense of Self
Feels entitled to certain things as “their right.”

Pathological Lying
Has no problem lying coolly and easily and it is almost impossible for them to be truthful on a consistent basis. Can create, and get caught up in, a complex belief about their own powers and abilities. Extremely convincing and even able to pass lie detector tests.

Lack of Remorse, Shame or Guilt
A deep seated rage, which is split off and repressed, is at their core. Does not see others around them as people, but only as targets and opportunities. Instead of friends, they have victims and accomplices who end up as victims. The end always justifies the means and they let nothing stand in their way.

Shallow Emotions
When they show what seems to be warmth, joy, love and compassion it is more feigned than experienced and serves an ulterior motive. Outraged by insignificant matters, yet remaining unmoved and cold by what would upset a normal person. Since they are not genuine, neither are their promises.

Incapacity for Love

Need for Stimulation
Living on the edge. Verbal outbursts and physical punishments are normal. Promiscuity and gambling are common.

Callousness/Lack of Empathy
Unable to empathize with the pain of their victims, having only contempt for others’ feelings of distress and readily taking advantage of them.

Poor Behavioral Controls/Impulsive Nature
Rage and abuse, alternating with small expressions of love and approval produce an addictive cycle for abuser and abused, as well as creating hopelessness in the victim. Believe they are all-powerful, all-knowing, entitled to every wish, no sense of personal boundaries, no concern for their impact on others.

Early Behavior Problems/Juvenile Delinquency
Usually has a history of behavioral and academic difficulties, yet “gets by” by conning others. Problems in making and keeping friends; aberrant behaviors such as cruelty to people or animals, stealing, etc.

Not concerned about wrecking others’ lives and dreams. Oblivious or indifferent to the devastation they cause. Does not accept blame themselves, but blames others, even for acts they obviously committed.

Promiscuous Sexual Behavior/Infidelity
Promiscuity, child sexual abuse, rape and sexual acting out of all sorts.

Lack of Realistic Life Plan/Parasitic Lifestyle
Tends to move around a lot or makes all encompassing promises for the future, poor work ethic but exploits others effectively.

Criminal or Entrepreneurial Versatility
Changes their image as needed to avoid prosecution. Changes life story readily.

Other Related Qualities:

Contemptuous of those who seek to understand them

Does not perceive that anything is wrong with them




Only rarely in difficulty with the law, but seeks out situations where their tyrannical behavior will be tolerated, condoned, or admired

Conventional appearance

Goal of enslavement of their victim(s)

Exercises despotic control over every aspect of the victim’s life

Has an emotional need to justify their crimes and therefore needs their victim’s affirmation (respect, gratitude and love)

Ultimate goal is the creation of a willing victim

Incapable of real human attachment to another

Unable to feel remorse or guilt

Extreme narcissism and grandiose

May state readily that their goal is to rule the world

(The above traits are based on the psychopathy checklists of H. Cleckley and R. Hare.)



I started my blog in January 2012 after perpetrators continued to harm my animal and smear his blood all over the inside of my apartment and the outside doorknob and lock.  When I started posting about my experiences and the white collar and governmental involvement, I started getting hits to my blog from this written as the search terms:   cia; tavistock institute, for, rockefeller.  As of yesterday, this search term had 464 hits, more than 300 hits more than the 2nd most popular search term, gang stalking.

In the past few months, whoever is accessing my blog with this particular search term, has tapered off and quit doing it. However, after exposing Linda4444’s lies, manipulations, bullying, mind control and disinformation tactics, yesterday, this governmental troll/hack came back and eliminated half of my blog.

There is no greater confirmation as to the validity of my assertions, than the desperate acts of this governmental hack censoring my website and the pitiful, bad actress and EXPOSED government agent/troll Linda4444.

Thank you for reading and may the truth prevail!

Look who trolls my blog: cia; tavistock institute, for, rockefeller

Look who trolls my blog: cia; tavistock institute, for, rockefeller

Deborah Tavares, Dr. Robert Duncan, Dr. John Hall, Dr. Terry Andersen & T.I. Friends– The Pete Santilli Radio Show, 2/22/14

Here are videos made of the 6 hour Mind Control Marathon show that Pete Santilli did on February 22, 2014. Some prominent voices in the targeted individual community pleaded passionately, once again, for exposure of what is happening with weapons of torture in our homes and on our streets. Long show, but I couldn’t stop listening and would recommend that all citizens of this country and beyond have a listen.

May God bless and protect all who genuinely are trying to grow through and educate others through this atrocity upon the human race and blight upon our planet.

Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars document read

Unsafe and Unsecured In Redondo Beach–Organized Crime, Vandalism, Sabotage and Imposed Control

Tupac on Death“Desperate diseases must have desperate remedies.”  Old English Proverb

Backed into a corner, I see no other way but to expose what I am going through. The story of accelerated crime upon crime began over 10 years ago, but today I am writing about my current situation and how the criminals are controlling my life in every way. Since its been almost 6 years of solid crime in Redondo, its difficult to know how to go about this and not make it the world’s longest post. I will begin with my current situation and work back through time.

Redondo Beach City SealMy plan was to move out of Redondo Beach by October 2012. In September, I started having an increased problem with an inability to make or receive phone calls. Even my friend’s phone did not work in my apartment during September, October and most of November. Its hard to make plans when you can’t use your phone. My Internet was also severely compromised and, if I was able to get on the Internet, I would lose my signal and get bumped off almost immediately. Again, its hard to make plans when you cannot communicate with the world and make arrangements. The phone issue continued to be a problem until mid-week last week when, miraculously, I was able to get calls out immediately without trying for hours. Now that its almost February and I have been complaining about being censored for months, I guess my criminal handlers felt it was time to quit interfering with my signals. After all, how much can you get done with planning a move with 9 days of phone service? Thanks Big Bro!

A few high-security deadbolt Lock receipts; also add, two security companies and systems, 2 camera systems and 3 DVR's.

A few high-security deadbolt lock receipts; also add, two security companies and systems, 2 camera systems and 3 DVR’s.

My biggest problem is that the people who are committing the crimes against me and my property have complete complicity with the Redondo Beach Police Department. In my nearly 7 years in Redondo, the police have done nothing and worse with the reported crimes of car theft, wallet theft from purse in apartment, vandalism, embezzlement by a U.S. Bank Manager (Ana Brianchesco), credit card fraud and vandalism, including the blood of my cat splattered all over my bathroom.

Present put on car seat in locked car/garage, 12/4/12

“Present” put on car seat in locked car/garage, 12/4/12

My car has spent its 2 years in a secured and locked garage but is vandalized after every use and the battery is compromised to where it needs to be replaced. This has gone on all year. I have a $28,000 car with all of the bells and whistles and it has 3,300 miles on it that I bought new. From

Desperate attempt for door  security-this is where above present came from

Desperate attempt for door security-this is where above present came from

January to March of 2012, I had to have 6 battery jumps from AAA and a new battery. From April to June 2012, I had to have 4 jumps and a new battery. And from June 2012 to January 2013 I have had 4 more jumps and now need another new battery. My car sits in a garage and needs its 4th new battery in 3,300 miles. Also, my garage door was sabotaged to not open 4 times last year and I was kept home as I could not access my vehicle. The message here is: I can’t go anywhere even though I have a private garage, security system and security cameras. Its impossible to go anywhere or get anything done under these circumstances. In my case, this all may be a blessing as I have no security inside my apartment while I’m gone.

"Anton's" Christmas 2012 photo

“Anton’s” Christmas 2012 photo

Ironically,  I had a perfectly good car with many more miles left on it but sold it because of the constant vandalism. I figured that these psychopaths couldn’t go very far to damage a new car because it would be obvious. Instead, every time I go to my car there is more vandalism to the windshield, overall paint, inside all leather has been stretched out, the interior scratched-up, the carpet has been frayed and all of the interior bolts have been loosened to where it sounds like it is going to fall apart while it rolls down the road. It also feels like the underside of the vehicle’s bolts have been loosened. The idea of that actually scares me and little does these days. Since the police laugh at the crime and me as I have am estranged from my support system, people like “Anton”, the number one perpetrator here at the Esplanade apartment, have no limits to what they can do to destroy my life.

Marley 3 years oldI started blogging January 2012 because of the crime, police complicity and the fact that my cat’s blood was the preferred method of trauma induction. I had to draw the line where my animal was tortured every time I left my apartment. In his 4 years, I’ve  seen these guys drug him to where his eyes were rolling in back of his head, where he could only lay there and drool. I’ve seen him fall and stumble off of his cat tree and I have come home to his ear, eye, feet and anus bleeding. These sadists have broken his tail Anton the Perp, in the shadowsin two places and pushed his toe pads so hard that a claw grew out of the center of one. His toe pads, claws, whiskers, furr and anus all bear the signs of animal torture. By poisoning his food, they were able to keep him bleeding rectally for 2 years. Only since I started carrying him with me everywhere have I been able to keep him safe. Well, most of the time. Fool that I am, I did two loads of laundry here and two at “B’s” condo in Hermosa Beach and each time the poor cat was being tortured and my computer, backup device and memory cards, camera and phone were all vandalized and my wallet ravaged. You see, when you are in this program, you are monitored constantly and all opportunities to hurt you are worsened and maximized so that the greatest amount of trauma and trouble can be brought to the target in the moment and beyond.

Blood on deadbolt 12/31/11.

Blood on deadbolt 12/31/11.

For example, I value cleanliness and as such, my perpetrators rub schmegma and disgusting, malodorous substances all over the things that they vandalize, my cat and anything that I will touch. It literally takes 3 weeks to clean after they have come in to my apartment. Lately, its been all about chemical poisoning, food tampering, patina, stain and varnish removal from all furniture, plant destruction, scratching, scraping and ruining of everything in the apartment and lots of schmegma. Every time I go somewhere, I change the lock combination and it doesn’t matter–no problem for professional vandals and today’s uber criminals. Its an open season feeding here in the vandalhood!

Blood Stain on Receipt from Virginia--Occurred 12/31/11

Blood Stain on Receipt from Virginia–Occurred 12/31/11

Bottom line, in my program–I cannot own anything or even expect my animal, food or car to be safe. I cannot go anywhere as everything is controlled and sabotaged. The Redondo Beach Police gave my “case” to  Detective David Arnold and he told me that he was on the cyber crimes division and wanted my evidence. Within three days he removed or had removed the evidence regarding Eric Garcia’s sexual crimes against minors through his 4+ year old site where underage girls were exploited sexually in every way. He had thousands of videos and charged people to download them. And when Googled, had hundreds of thousands of hits! That’s a lot of disappearing evidence. I copied all of it and all that remains are a few things on a memory card as these criminals are big on removing evidence while they are stealing from you and desecrating everything that you ever thought about.

Brave New World RevisitedAlso on his site, Eric Garcia kept a message board where he would compose and post all of his stalking posts about me before he would post them to Craigslist.  That alone contained over 3 years’ posts chronicling the gang stalking, the break-ins, vandalism and locksmiths, my Aunt’s demise, personal things about my life and my body and many creative stories to communicate what they were doing to me. Eric Garcia’s site message board was one gigantic profile of the sadistic psychopaths that are creating, customizing and enacting these programs in all western countries. One giant piece of evidence–a website–that described hundreds of crimes; including conspiracy. I can see why it had to go. After all, inHampter wheel of crime this Brave New World no measure or means is too drastic when you have access to to completely control everything in a person’s life, with the exception of their mind! My mind is protected by God and they cannot crack my moral code, goad me into trouble or compromise my values. At this point, its just “same thing, different day”. A Groundhog Day of nightmares, so to speak.

UPS TruckSince its problematic to go out and about, I have done much shopping online. EVERY PACKAGE THAT I RECEIVE IS PRE-VANDALIZED by Eddie and the Gardena UPS Back Door Crew!

The contents are removed, vandalized and repackaged and ready to do a "dump & run" delivery.

The contents are removed, vandalized and repackaged and ready to do a “dump & run” delivery.

Typical condition of UPS package upon delivery.

Typical condition of UPS package upon delivery.

I’ve promised Cesar the UPS Criminal Supervisor a blog dedicated just to them and the level of crime over there. They like to do whatever they want to and literally change the tracking data in the computer system to reflect the new amended bogus data. Isn’t that interesting consumers? This on dozens of packages and calls to them where the reports disappear and even the record of the calls. And hey, if you decide that you are going to try to outsmart them and order next-day shipping, you’re in for a real treat. On 2 separate occasions I ordered next-day air and all was on schedule as the tracking said, “Out for delivery”. When the packages didn’t arrive by the end of the day, a new inquiry showed that they were still in the air and had not even touched the ground yet. Of course, bogus tracking of it coming in and going on the truck the next day is what showed. Its nice that Cesar’s Back Door UPS Crew is able to change the tracking of an over-night delivery in order to vandalize the contents of a package at Christmas time! Great job boys! In my world, you keep that up and you can join the dishonorable, cowardly, hypocritical, organized stalking club of perps in my wake and  be the owner of a brand new car!!!

My friend sent me a Christmas package via UPS. It had been opened and one of the two presents had been torn open and they vandalized and fuzzified the handmade purse that my friend made me. After their Back DoorVandalized handmade Christmas present Crew club playtime was over, they stuffed it back in the wrapping paper and back in the box it went. No problem with printing out a new shipping tag; no need to tape the box because you can just use the new tag to secure! Take a look. My friend assures me that neither of the box or the purse are in the condition that she sent them in. The box actually had tape over the center seam.

The present that I sent my friend was picked-up and delivered 6 days late as it wasn’t even put on the truck until 8 days after the crook Eddy picked it up. I

They love "logistics" all right!

They love “logistics” all right!

made many phone calls and Cesar, the manager just couldn’t find it. Miraculously, it gets put in the mail 8 days late and the records are falsified to erase all of my customer service calls and they refuse to give me a refund. Can you say organized criminal money bleed? That’s what all of the crime is about until you are destitute and on the streets.

Lately its been the local Von’s grocery store delivery that has been overtaken by these organized cowards. They are messing up my orders saying that they are out of many things when they aren’t and vandalizing the packaging of things while desecrating my the fruits and vegetables beyond belief. I have also had things completely opened, including a total 3 water bottles. Organized crime is rampant and these Freemason cowards will work ahead of things to get to any doctor or other professional that you visit. Like most targets, I’ve got many “unbelievable” stories–you just can’t imagine that everything and everyone is controlled and your life becomes akin to a wounded salmon swimming upstream to die.

Even after over 10 solid years of organized hell and demise, I am grateful to have survived and become much stronger through the process. My character, values, patience, and ability to withstand great cruelty and focused demonic influence and criminality have been on trial and,Polar Bear paradoxically, I am full of love in the Lord. The only thing in this life that can bring peace and joy, long suffering and forgiveness on levels rarely tested is the love of God through his son, Jesus Christ. Every day of my survival I dedicate to him and everything that is good and true. That said, there comes a time when you have to record this level of organized criminality over time. For me, today is one of those days. God bless all targeted individuals and keep them in hope and show them the way of faith and love if it be their heart’s desire!

Blown Celeb “Nerves of Ice”–A Narrative on Being a Perpetrator in this 21st Century Global Genocide of the Innocent & Upright

Listen and re-listen as this describes the psychopaths and narcissists that are controlling and ruining lives at will through the use of covert weapons (electromagnetic, infrared, sonic, laser),  chemical poisoning/food tampering, vandalism and all of the crimes, sabotage and set-ups that bleed a target of their health, reputation and financial resources.

They lead normal “family man” lives by day, all-the-while killers ravaging the community in lieu of money, drugs, personal favors, positional gain in this world and credibility amongst a growing herd of tyrannical, hypocritical cowards.

Payoffs of Working for the Synagogue of Satan

2012, My 50th Year

This year started off with cat blood, heavy vandalism and me reaching a point of intrepidness over the parade of gangsters who parade in and out of my life–cops, Freemasons, business leaders with control over parts of my world, lawyers, realtors, UPS & Federal Express, US Bank managers, locksmiths, and every other weak person who parasitically is feeding off of me.

Facts are that the Lord has used these evil crimes and all of the orchestrated chaos to wake me up and  build my Christian character. Growth is never easy or painless and truth tellers have been silenced throughout time. Also, the sadistic tactics used in organized gang stalking and electronic mind control were devised years ago and used throughout history. Not to minimize this most cruel program, but it is a matter of history repeating itself–again. Technological advances in mind control/behavioral control weapons are what distinguish the current torture matrix from what the detainees and death camp victims experienced in Nazi Germany–and the distinction is huge.

Its been 10 full months of absolute pain, torture and a total lack of safety in this, my 10th year of heavy targeting. I began blogging and started getting heavy doses of radiation along with radical directed energy attacks. I was shielding from the directed energy attacks but was unaware of the radiation being pumped through my walls and came down with full-blown radiation sickness.

The Lord requires that my intentions and motivations be as pure as possible in reporting these crimes on this blog. I have taken a long time to wait out all desires for revealing them out of revenge or hurt or any other impure reason. These are very serious life threatening and life killing crimes and no one is an island–even our perpetrators. They lead secret lives hidden from their loved ones and many others around them. This is the reason that I reveal myself and my name throughout my blog as it adds credence to my story and allows me to also reveal those who choose to perpetrate crimes against me.

Anton the Perp Shows Off

Anton has totally been avoiding walking in front of our apartment on the walking path of the Esplanade. I have only seen him 3 times over recent weeks; two of those being within the last week. Today, I saw him walking along the low tide line at 3:15 pm. In the past, he usually is off of his perp duties with me and goes for lunch and probably a debriefing session. I won’t go into it now, but my perps are trying to create reasons for me to have to leave my apartment in a hurry and I won’t/can’t do it. I believe that Anton took a late break because he hoped that I would leave.

When I saw him on the beach for the first time obviously avoiding walking by my windows, I just had to take pictures. The low tide was extreme and he was very far away but he was looking and saw me in my apartment. As usual, he fumbles in his pocket for his camera, retrieves it and does his whole, “perp twisting the tables routine and pretending that his long time target is really his perp instead” schtick. Cute little counter moves like that are relatively entertaining to me at this point. Meanwhile, watch the weasels scatter and avoid your gaze. They exhibit many signs of psychopathy and that everything is a manipulative game or a skit in their life, is a sad reality about the substance of their character’s.

Sunday, I went to the apartment that I am trying to move into and when I got back, I noticed a car parked at the end of our narrow community driveway. I thought nothing of it as I proceeded to pulled within 10 feet of it and backed into my garage. Since I have the security problems that I have, unloading the car takes a long time as I try to carry everything (including my cat) with me in one wide and weighty trip.

It took a good 4 minutes to unload on Sunday. As I was almost to the stairwell, who pops up from behind the front of the car that I now noticed was brand new, but the Anton Lavey look alike perp. I was within feet of not even knowing that it was his new car and he decides to flaunt his new payoff for his lazy surveillance and speeder levels of obsessive/compulsive troll-like vandalism of me and my life!

Why would he do that? He wants me to know, of course. His narcissistic pride and neurotic ego needs drove him to pop-up and boldly claim his prize before his victim. I figured that, if exposing the situation was that important to him, I should go get my camera and see if I could help share his enthusiasm with the world.

He wasn’t so exuberant when I came from behind the corner as he was polishing his new wheels and took his picture. Once again, I got from him, “Hey Lady, what’s your problem?” As I got to the opening of the stairwell I said, “I don’t have one,” and he retorted, “Oh, yes you do–you have a few.”

I have no problem exposing these gang criminals, no matter how self-important they are or popular with fellow operatives of their satanic order. I have had death threats for years delivered through various creative means and efforts. I have a few posts on that in my head.

Meanwhile, the persecution of the saints continues and innocent blood is being shed. But God tells us that we need not worry that all these events–man-made chaos and satanic bloodletting is a sign that we are closer to the great Day of the Lord. For someone in my position,  I know that God is preparing me for what is to come every day and I suffer gladly for HIS and no man’s honor, nor satanic being’s, nor Lucifer himself.

In the end, it’s about proclaiming my love of God and my faith and acceptance of Jesus’ sacrifice for me on the cross, thereby giving me direct access to the Godhead. It’s about whatever God asks of me that I may live my life for him, actualizing his plan. I pray that I will be able to claim in the day that I pass that, “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.” ~2 Timothy 4:10

May God bless and draw near to all targets around the world and reveal his glorious peace to them along their arduous journey as they, too, fight the good fight of faith.

UNPRECEDENTED Levels of Attacks for Weeks

EMR Readings that Max Out the Meter

Whether I am preparing my daily food extra-early in the morning (typically by 4:30), bathing, or trying to do anything else in my apartment at any time, I have been experiencing the radiation dance in my apartment for months. I take the meter with me and check throughout my activity if the radiation levels have been turned up. By taking the meter and following the reading to its strongest area of focus, you can determine the source or direction. Mine comes through one spot in the center wall of my apartment approximately 1 foot from the circuit breaker box and radiates out from there. Yesterday, I was left alone in my early am cooking session, however, the EMR went way high by 11:00, and I had to hustle the kitty and myself to our safe 5′ x 5′ corner; and there lunch ingredients were gathered to and prepared. Life by meter–good times in old Redondo.

Lately, these attacks have been at record levels of intensity. I take my meter and walk the parameters of my living space and record the radiation levels. The last few weeks, when I put the meter against my neighbor’s wall that is about 8 feet from the source, frequently, it is still well over 50 gauss with pulses topping the meter’s 50 gauss limit. That means that my neighbors are being treated to these insane levels of radiation that are high enough to make them sick. When the levels are very strong like this, I feel pressure in my head, my eyes ache, I get a headache, and even nauseous on occasion–and I’ll feel it within minutes. Are they just more collateral damage in this Freemason plot to destroy me? Considering that the man that lives there is a low level perpetrator, what does that say for their bloodthirsty system of power, abuse, control and sacrifice?

For the record, as soon as these radiation influxes happen, I grab my camera and shoot video of the me holding the meter as I walk around my apartment getting the measurements from room to room. I have done this for 6 months and have over a hundred of these videos. I had more, but the Anton look-alike perp likes to sabotage and steal things like that.

Wireless Attacks that have Shut Down My Phone and My Computer Device

The last few months have been ridiculous in terms of the “handling” of my attempts at communication. Recently, its been all day every day, to the point where I can’t get any business done. The recent total blockage of my phone’s signals, is just another aspect of a massive increase in targeting. All of my moving preparations have been re-schmegmafied and vandalized by Anton, too. Since he vandalized and broke my carpet cleaning machine one of the last times that he was crawling around in here, I ordered a new one on Amazon. I also had placed orders for athletic shoes, an air purifier, and vitamins.

The music of a circus calliope can be heard off in the distance….

The United Parcel felony Service and Federal felony Express fun zone is in full swing again. Step right up and, you too, can witness packages delivered cut or broken into, vandalized, stuffed back in, taped back up and delivered with the proverbial satanic grin. Now, when you get had by a company, you report the crime. The first items to arrive were the pair of athletic shoes and socks (Anton likes get to new shoes and stretch them out and cut stitches and fun stuff life that). The socks were fuzzed up and stretched out and the shoes were vandalized. I reported them and ordered their replacement, which came in 2 days in the same condition. I took pictures and reported.

That was 2 weeks ago and, now when I try to make a phone call, I cannot usually get through at all. My internet has been unusable for the most part, too. When the new carpet machine came, it was the first Fed Ex package and they literally had cut open each side and the top and took it out and heavily vandalized (broke) it. I guess they didn’t want me to be able to clean those carpets.

While trying to report the carpet machine, I was able to get through to Amazon customer service about 40 times, and actually got through and talked to a supervisor 4 times before I was disconnected. This went on for over 3 hours. It would seem that Big Brother was not going to let me report the carpet machine vandal crime. Knowing that Amazon records their calls, I decided to start talking in a more direct way; specifically about organized crime. Within 10 minutes of talking about organized crime, I got through and my 20 or so minute call was successful. I had expedited the shipping ($54) and wanted my steep shipping fee refunded in full. It also seems that whoever has been “handling” my communications does not want the public to hear these crimes referred to for what they are–government sponsored and sanctioned organized crime. They also love to waste my time and to bleed my bank account.

Increase in Intensity of All Directed Energy Attacks

I wake up with little cuts on my face and legs and tiny blood blisters all over my body. I get intense directed burning and stabbing pains daily. Usually the right side of the top of my head is the area of focus directed at my head.

Three weeks ago, at 4:30 on a Friday afternoon, I was kneeling by one of my plants when I started experiencing a sharp pain to my heart. I have had painful pains and spasms in my diaphragm before and this was  definitely all heart. The pain was so acute that, whenever I initiated even the slightest of movements, it would increase to an excruciating intensity and  I would immediately freeze. It took me over a 1/2 hour just  to get off the floor and into a nearby chair. The entire episode lasted over an 1 1/2 hours and was the most pain that I have ever experienced aside from several broken bone incidents in my life of torture spanning nearly 50 years.

Here I am, trying to move away from another gangster beach town (unfortunately to another one), and I have to keep paying more rent to get everything that I do stopped, thwarted, or seriously compromised. Just more organized gang crime shenanigans that create the wasting of time, a money bleed, and many cowardly attempts to incite fear, terror, and an absolute helpless powerlessness over a completely unjustified demonic situation of many years and counting. I am not afraid of cowards or of what can kill the body anymore. Many of us get backed into a corner where we have to take a stand and maybe even a bullet. But, I think Tupac put it most eloquently. Of course, as with many effective truth tellers in popular culture, he ended up being sacrificed in a public spectacle of blood-soaked carnage in order to terrorize the rest of us–a potent weapon in the NWO mind control arsenal.

How do you go about life with 24/7 electromagnetic radiation, directed energy weapon hits & surveillance?

Life can be a challenge–seemingly insurmountable. After the bogus lawsuit that my ex-husband filed 10 years ago, my life seemed to plummet from glorious to the utter depths of gloom. That’s not easy to do to a woman who was programmed through trauma-based mind control as a child and whose programming began to break 26 years ago. Since then, I have been on a self-discovery and educational journey to claim and reclaim the life that I was programmed not to have.

I got pregnant and married my boyfriend who was a very stingy and controlling man–big surprise. I had two wonderful children and was able to see that boys were no more special than girls–and that programming started to break. I went to college for 8 years and followed my passion for health and wellness. It was right at the point of finishing my full-time internships after my academic work that my ex-husband sued me.

Every single claim in my ex-husband’s lawsuit was absolutely fictitious and bore no semblance to historical reality. It was a revenge device used as a ploy to destroy me and my credibility, to take my son out of my life, and begin the long, slow money bleed that would get me to where I am today. Probably the most egregious wrong done through that lawsuit was to accuse me of something that I did not and could not do. My ex-husband knew that was the milieu in which I had grown up and suffered unjust sadistic, degrading, and violent beatings and suffered unspeakable trauma and terror. So brutal was my fall from glory to shame that I didn’t see myself being able to get through the grief without becoming physically ill and broken. After I was found innocent of the false charges, I made a promise to God that, if I made it and didn’t get sick through the long healing process, that I would serve him with gratitude and fervor. I knew then what I know now–without God and his will followed, there is no way to overcome the satanic spiritual oppression that is organized gang stalking & electromagnetic radiation and weaponry. And since my oppression started at birth as I was an un-wanted bastard child, I know what it is like to go through life nearly alone. God was always there and still is and I thank him for all of the healing and forgiveness that he has brought to my heart.

The problem is that the Freemasons, surfers, gang bangers, and others who participate as perpetrators in this organized stalking & electronic harassment program were more than happy to teach me some lessons, steal and vandalize all of my possessions, terrorize and maim my animals, steal and embezzle my money and hurt me through the people that I love. Add the exhaustive surveillance, getting nuked through your walls with electromagnetic radiation and directed energy torture weapons, and getting followed by mind controlling psychopathic sadists, and that sums up much of what this is all about.

I am trying to move. I need to move from Redondo Beach and from the beach in general. As I try to prepare to move, I am at constant war with my assailants whether at home or in the community. Since I can’t get my apartment secured (spent thousands on dead bolts & alarm systems), I have to take my cat and computer with me wherever I go. Anything left behind will be denigrated or ruined. You can imagine the toll that it takes on a person even with the best nutrition and most positive attitude.

In my apartment there is constant radiation and the neighboring apartments are infiltrated with perpetrators. I have to get up super early and start working as the radiation level is usually way too high by 11:30. I do all of my cooking in the morning for this reason. There have been days and whole weekends where the radiation was turned up so high that it was off the meter limit in the whole apartment. I have many videos that I will be posting to document the meter readings. In the evening, the radiation is way too high except for about a 5 x 4 foot area in the corner of my living room. The cat and I have been living like this since January 1, 2012–that’s when they rolled out the torture weapon campaign in full vigor.

Both my cat and myself have been sick from radiation; sometimes, very sick. I buy clay to detox the cat and myself and the perpetrators dump it. Same thing with food and vitamins. And the hamster wheel of abuse, torture, thievery and mayhem continues.

As I sit here, my body feels like it is electrified and I experience incessant muscular twitches. I eat organic food and have been a health nugget my whole life. I eat nothing processed and have kept my blood alkaline since April. The only reason for the physical sensations and pains that I experience is because I am being radiated through the walls of my apartment and tortured 24/7 with directed energy weapons.

Ever since I decided to get out of this town, the organized stalking by the police, freemasons, gangers, and satan’s other minions have seriously been all over my scene in every way. The radiation is making it impossible to get my packing or anything else done and has put me in survival mode for months. Since this weekend I received another indirect death threat and I am cornered in a land of organized criminals and sellouts, I feel that I need to do more blogging to expose the situation and get some facts on the record about what has been happening. Rather than burden the few people that I still have in my life with the horrendous situation, I have a new motto–Blog don’t blab!

I feel that I have a very unique perspective into the way these crimes are committed and by whom. Since I can’t pack or do much else, its time to blog and get the word out. Jesus tells us in Matthew 10:26-27 (NIV), “There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known. What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight; what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the housetops.” So shall it be written, so shall it be done!

My #1 Perpetrator at the Esplanade Apartment

In March of 2010, I moved from my aunt’s apartment into an apartment 2 blocks away on the Esplanade in Redondo Beach.  I had purchased a new lock for my aunt’s apartment and, when it seemed secure, I put one on the new apartment, too. During my move, there were many “men” hanging out in the garages and out side the garage area. I soon discovered that, not only did I not have security in one apartment, I now had no security in two! No matter what I have done–security systems, many high security deadbolt locks, other high-tech locks–I have never had security in this town nor has my cat ever been safe from the harm of local neighborhood sadists. I experience thefts, heavy vandalism and sabotage of all personal items and car, identity theft, bank account embezzlement, mail theft and tampering, UPS & FEDEX employee crimes to all packages prior to delivery, illegal surveillance of me in my residence with the filming and publishing of my body naked on the Internet and many tactics meant to create fear and terror, such as the maiming, plucking, drugging, cutting, toe pad and tail breakage and disfigurement of my cat, Marley. As mentioned previously, these organized criminals have also used Craigslist to publish false information about me and terroristic threats to my safety–both stated and implied. The Craigslist campaign started in 2007 when I was being “handled” by Chris Stock who told me to look on there for some strange reason–I found out why. Chris’ role in my story will have a post all its own.

As soon as the crimes began at the Esplanade apartment, there was one guy who was taking credit for them. Every time that I would discover that my apartment was vandalized and that my cat had been violently abused, my Anton LaVey lookalike neighbor  in the twin building next door would walk in front of my apartment window, stare in and laugh uncontrollably at my predicament. He would also post on Craigslist using the moniker “Jason Lee Cordeiro” posting from “Hollyweird” and the location “90027” (which is a twist on the 90277 zip code in Redondo Beach). Since I refused to go anywhere without security, I began a long period of time where I would go nowhere. My bald neighbor would address his “Jason Lee Cordeiro” posts to “Stuck in the House” in the “90027”. The posts were vile and talked about killing and rape. The Anton LaVey lookalike laughed hysterically as he would walk by and stare at me in my self-imposed fishbowl of exile. I would include evidence of all of the Craigslist harassment, however, my Craigslist, email, and other accounts have been hacked and the information erased. Also, my perpetrators have ruined no less than 5 computers that all contained incriminating evidence and pictures of much of the vandalism. My phones and camera memory cards have been routinely stolen also to eliminate the threat of pesky photographic evidence. Meanwhile, the crimes continued at my aunt’s apartment just two blocks away.

Also in March of 2010, both my aunt and my identities were stolen and my aunt’s credit cards were used in Europe. We were relegated to using cash and my aunt insisted on carrying large amounts until the new credit and ATM cards arrived. Naturally, my wallet was stolen with a large amount of cash in it and my aunt was being stolen from during this time. Also the bank manager of the US bank on Catalina, Ana Brianchesco, was in the process of embezzling upwards of $40,000 from my savings account. I suspect that my aunt’s account was being embezzled from by her also, but the bank refused to  investigate even though they fired the manager. Also, my aunt’s appointed trustee for her trust–E. Thomas Moroney–set her trust up so that none of her money was in interest-bearing accounts. I discovered that fact and told Tom to change the situation no less than 3 times in a period of 1 1/2 years; to no avail, Tom repeatedly opened up new checking accounts for the money rather than putting it into interest-bearing savings accounts. The bank and my aunt’s criminal defense attorney trustee, Tom Moroney, were complicit in the mishandling and misappropriation of these monies. My aunt made no interest, but she made the bank tons of it!

My Aunt was dying and it was my duty to take the best care of her that I could as I had my uncle. The stress of having two lives being actively destroyed along with a young animal and two apartments was, at times, overwhelming. I began to get my friend Bernard to come over to watch my apartment so that I could get provisions so that my personal items and cat would be safe. However, my aunt was my priority and she was a medically complicated woman dying of metastasized breast cancer and I took care of her fully knowing that my animal would be abused and the apartments and our personal items would be vandalized and denigrated the whole time that I was gone.

There are many things to tell about the 2 1/2 years that I have had the Esplanade apartment, but I am here to report about the main perpetrator as I have already published that I would if the crime did not stop. This reporting of all criminal activities is done with a thoughtful heart and absolute truthful certainty. The only threat against them is exposure as anyone whose name is submitted into this extrajudicial program is put on a list where the police look to accuse them of a crime/s and seem to attempt to intimidate and malign them. Even when there was obvious blood in numerous places in my bathroom and my apartment and personal items were obviously vandalized, the police would not investigate and the detective assigned called my crazy mother and eccentric friend in attempts to dig up dirt and spread suspicion about meNot only had I done nothing wrong, but my Christian values have guided my actions for years and I am incapable of intentionally hurting others. I also had achieved a lot for a woman in my 40’s prior to all of this contrived chaos to ruin my life and had a long record of stability.

Anton LaVey Lookalike Demonic Behavior

Its been obvious since day 2 that the apartment manager was part of this coordinated assault on my life because he charged me $100 for a refrigerator that I found out on day 2 was included with my apartment. The refrigerator was immediately vandalized and I had to purchase a new one. Just one perfect example of how everyone makes money on an organized stalking target. The Esplanade apartment manager said that he had to rearrange the garages and would give me a garage with an opener; when he did, the garage was located right under “Anton’s” apartment so that he could hear me come and go. Many a time when my car had been vandalized, “Anton” would come out when I was just discovering the damage and give me the evil eye much like his namesake in this picture.

This evil eye or stink eye, as the surfers refer to it, is used ubiquitously in organized stalking. When Chris Stock changed his program with me he would end our visit with a soulless stink eye glare. This glare is used to try to incite fear and intimidation within the victims of this full-frontal assault on one’s life and very soul. I believe that the satanic people that do this are operating at a very low frequency vibration as all negative emotions resonate at such. People, such as myself, that are optimistic are used to weak people trying to tear us down however they can over the entirety of our lives. I exercise the emotions of love, forgiveness, joy, peace and long-suffering and vibrate at a much higher frequency as a result. In my opinion, these satanic stalkers are emotional vampires and, like demons, have to feed off of the positive goodness in others and, as such, plan their destruction. I have read that, to satanists, the purer or more innocent the sacrifice, the more power that is derived from it. On a spiritual level, we are sacrifices that these demonic gang members make in order to attain spiritual power, to obtain control over others, to achieve street credibility and to move up within the occult organization. I have had the displeasure of running into many of these demonic gang stalkers as a surfer, both in and out of the water. Their energy and vibration is so dissimilar to mine that I can feel it before I can even catch a glance at the evil stink eye glare that is inevitably searing in my direction.

The most common characteristic of these crimes is that the perpetrators want you to know exactly who is doing the crime. And, if for some reason you miss the enormous hints and clues that are being hurled in your direction by the proud perpetrator who is aching for acknowledgement and for signs that his victim is indeed being terrorized, they are all too happy to write it on Craigslist or come up and rub it squarely in your face. Most targets miss many of these clues for quite some time and have stories of how their perpetrators finally broke down and wrote it on the wall for them so that they could get on with the business of being terrified. In my case, that was their purpose in using Craigslist–to literally clue me into what Organized Gang Stalking is and all of the tactics, skits and ploys used in the attempts they were using to accomplish their goal of creating mental instability and, hopefully, my suicide or early death. Most of these psychological games were created long ago and are tried and true methods to attempt to have a person question their own minds and perceptions. Many were tested and perfected in Nazi Germany and carried out by the Stasi. They are also tactics that have been long attributed to Freemasons and, most recently, the Church of Scientology.

I have many stories about the Anton LaVey lookalike, but I will share that since I began attempting to get his picture he has behaved quite differently. He gets real mad and immediately fumbles for his own phone and whips it out and takes my picture of me taking his–as if the whole world couldn’t tell who the sadistic, perverted, and psychopathic stalker without a job (other than the destruction of me, my animal and my property) is. Yeah, right. Good one, Anton!

Last Wednesday, as I was cleaning the carpets of the schmegma that he smeared all over them earlier, I noticed Anton approaching the apartment building on the walking path outside my picture window. As soon as he saw that I saw him, he turned around and walked in the opposite direction. He was already at the apartment building, but his fear of me taking his picture prompted him to go the long way around, down the walking path, up the steps and walkway and down the street in the other direction and to the front of the building.

When he had left to go on his two hour lunch while he was off-duty from harassing and surveilling me, he craned his head the other way and, when he turned it back to see where he was going, he reached around his head with his whole arm to obscure his profile. His arm resembled that of a frequent arm position of monkeys and was awkward and obvious. After 2 1/2 years of this guy violating me and my life in every way costing me my freedom, my safety, my cash, my food, my vitamins and provisions, the skin and bones of my animal, and the vandalism of every piece of clothing, furniture, trinket and book that I own, I am supposed to care what this sadistic lowlife wants? I think not. Hence, I waited about 5 minutes and set myself up at the entrance to the building to try to get a picture of Anton the perpetrator. I figured if it turns out, its providential as he was moving briskly and the camera phone has a delay. I will post his picture and you can judge for yourself.

Since I am being radiated in my apartment and have suffered many deleterious affects, as has my cat, I feel that I need to expose these people and what they do with an air of urgency and immediacy. I have waited a long time until I was sure that it was just about truthful disclosure and with no ill intention, such as vindictiveness, or revenge. This is my tenth year of being targeted in this program and many of my stalkers and handlers for years have been surfers. I have many things to tell and, since nothing changes and Anton and company have made my life next to impossible, I am going to  shine a light on these sadistic, lower frequency, vampiric, demonic souls and what they are doing to me and many others with sheer delight and with the complicity of the local police department. You may want to rethink moving to Redondo Beach if you value your health, privacy and safety.

Primary Perpetrator at the Esplanade Apartment

What I just posted on Craigslist that will never appear…

Posted to the San Diego Craigslist at 9:42 am, Feb. 6, 2012:

Craigslist is used by gang bangers and criminals and must be run by them, too.  So many legitimate postings that never make it to the board, show up as active in my account, and as expired when doing an internet search.  The only reason that I am posting here is because Chris Stock told me in 2007 that I should check it out. Of course, that afternoon there was a posting about me on there and I became sensitized to the fact that they wanted to use Craigslist to clue me in. This is the first and only message board that I have ever written on because there are so many phonies on all of the sites supporting organized gang stalking targets. They are running all of the hatred on here, post drug info, and basically look for unwitting victims to pursue while they slander and sensitize others whose lives they have hijacked!
While investigating all of the personal information that was showing up on Rants & Raves about my life, I found that one of my neighbors was running an internet site with pictures and videos of underage girls in every perverted context that you can imagine. This guy, Eric Garcia, uses proxy servers and jests about never being caught because of that.  When I told the detective that was handling my case of gang stalking/vandalism, he told me that he was also in charge of cyber crimes and made me give him the information on the guy. Within two days, not only was the site gone, but the thousands of internet searches that would pop-up when you put the site’s name into a search engine disappeared. Poof! The site was called, Eric would use his own forum pages under 10 different avatars to stalk and reveal personal information about me that could only be obtained through breaking and entering and the installation of covert cameras.
The manager of my apartment building, Steve Moore, who was dealing speed from his apartment also would write about me and pull pranks on me in the building. After over 8 years of criminal activity including: cat torture and poisoning, car theft and vandalism including lots of tire nails and bolts and mysteriously compromised brake lines on a brand new car, i.d. theft, bank embezzlement, stolen wallet and personal items and papers, sabotage of all electronics and personal equipment (3 computers and 2 additional hard drives in 3 years), prank and threatening phone calls (Do you like your medicine that you ordered? Yes, you ordered medicine and you are going to get more), direct and indirect death threats, told that ex-boyfriend (who is responsible for starting this) killed another girlfriend years ago on Maui, told that Lou Abbondante is from mafia and so I will be taken all the way down, tampering with all personal items, blocked and followed around apartment and in the community.
In June of 2010, I got no mail the whole month and that is when Ana Brianchesco, the bank manager, was embezzling from my bank account, every package that comes from UPS or FEDEX is pre-opened by them, the contents taken out of the package and vandalized, put back in and delivered vandalized. All personal papers are all bent up and important ones are stolen. The ex-boyfriend vandalized and destroyed my Aunt’s house and these guys have severely vandalized 3 apartments. Food, vitamins and medicines are tampered with and disgusting toxic substances are rubbed all over the carpeting after they fray them every time that they come in and plants are trashed and broken. Do you get the picture? EVERYTHING–every sock, every bottle is scratched and contents dumped, every fiber of every new and old thing is vandalized. All furniture is vandalized to the point of being trash whether it is a 150 year-old antique or brand new furniture. They also scratch-up and remove the varnish and stains from all furniture. All glass and porcelain and every dish, nick knack and trinket are vandalized and knifed. The proof is everywhere and quite obvious.
Oh, by the way, most locksmiths are criminals looking for another vulnerable target as are many in the security camera and alarm businesses.I had to stop surfing because, in Huntington, Archie’s crew would have my car ransacked and my gear vandalized. No security. Got mobbed in the South Bay on my skates and so I turned into a runner. As a runner, every day my apartment would be vandalized and robbed while I was gone. In the beginning for the first 6 months, Eric Garcia would be the lookout person waiting for me at the end of every run. All of my shoes and socks are stretched-out by these losers so that I would get problems with blisters and callouses because of the stretched-out footwear. I have spent thousands and thousands of dollars on clothes and they stretch them all out from a size small to at least a medium and stretch-out the necks and waistbands making it nearly impossible to hide underwear and personal areas.
They really try to terrorize you; so they want you to know what they are doing and how far-reaching it is to add to the hopelessness and the powerlessness of the situation. This is an evil being perpetrated on strong, single women and the vulnerable in society. My situation started with car vandalism in June 2003 and by 2006 had crescendoed into pervasive mobbing, covert taping of me in my apartment, gaslighting, street theater, foreshadowing and predictive programming through Chris Stock and the Craigslist Rants & Raves stories about me, theft, and pervasive vandalism of all items of mine and my aunts. They like to put bugs and disgusting greasy schmegma inside and on things. Basically, after they come in and do their thing, I have to wash every sheet, blanket, towel, clothing item, my cat, carpets and every dish. Throw out shampoos and personal items that have been compromised with bleach or oil or???? –altogether about 2 solid weeks of clean-up work.I thought that the whole situation was about loyalty.
I put up with a certain amount of crap because they had circulated a rumor that I was a rat. I had surfed with these guys for years and was always quiet and respectful in and out of the water. It was hard for me to figure out what was happening because, just like every other target, I hadn’t done anything wrong to anybody to provoke it. Chris spent 2 and 1/2 years sensitizing me to things, giving me hints, and acting as a handler and a communique as what was happening at my new apartment in Redondo since I no longer lived or surfed in Huntington Beach. I now know that Richard, Lou, Chris and others had profiled me for a long time and felt that I was still very broken from my divorce and family issues and that I was a good candidate to teach a lesson.
Since the internet is being censored, going completely against our first amendment rights, I am coming forward. I am not going to die in vain or be done away with in a FEMA camp or worse without letting others know what is going on and how local authorities are protecting these guys and running internet sites. I am a good woman who lives by her Christian principles and am being oppressed because of that and my circumstances by the local satanist/Luciferian surf crew and drug dealers.And no, I don’t expect a good outcome. I wouldn’t put names or faces to these crimes if I hadn’t been contemplating my mortality for a long, long time. Knowledge is POWER and God draws close to the oppressed and affirmed. I am one of the lucky ones as I have kept my sense of self and have become stronger through this. I am completely unwilling to compromise my Christian principles–from the inception of these crimes to today–and am not afraid to accept the fate of one who takes a stand out of principle and TRUTH.  We are in the last days, good people. You can dawn your eye of Horus and your pyramid while you getmicrochipped or give in to the truth of God inside of you, humble yourself and be saved in the end.  The Bible is wrought with God’s people being tested, persecuted and unjustly imprisoned and killed. The scriptures are a treasure trove for those such as myself that have not had a fair chance and have been singled out because of WHO YOU ARE.  People who love God in their hearts shine his light through their being and eyes. Satanic people can see this anddesire your energy, your spirit, and even, your life.This is all about spiritual warfare since the beginning of time.

Face it.  No matter how many people you steal from and sacrifice, you will never be like God.

No matter how much power you get from your rituals and sacrifices, you will never be able to create anything and will one day be enslaved under the same type of system that you now impose on others.

This is all biblical and has played out over the millennia.  Although no one wants to be accused of things that they are incapable of and be put through this, these guys are only projecting their own weaknesses on to their targets and when the tables are turned, their hell will be a lot worse than an innocent one’s because they will live in the reality that they are reaping what they have sown.

Get your affairs in order and decide if this is what you are willing to do for power in this life. There are other ways to obtain power rather than seeking to perform mind control on others and kill them spiritually.

Coming forward in this way, I feel fairly certain that I will be falsely accused of something and disappear or imprisoned. The only reason that it hasn’t happened yet is because I don’t do anything wrong and have always been committed to God’s principles. These guys know that I am incapable of hurting them back or seeking revenge in any way because of my principles. The guys in Huntington Beach and Redondo Beach spent  years testing that out making sure that I was true to my Christian principles.

Its never too late to change the road you’re on.  But for those who pick the high road, you will be persecuted and tested in an attempt to break and ruin you.  God uses evil people to make his people stronger in character and able to endure great hardships in his name.  Either you draw to God for supernatural guidance and strength or the enemy will be successful.  And that’s how this goes.

God bless my loved ones and those courageous ones whose brave actions have given me perspective and strength.  Eventually, you get what you give.

  • Location: F*** SOPA–its here!
  • it’s NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

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