The CIA Torture Paradigm/Matrix

The CIA Torture Paradigm/Matrix consists of four principle parts that often overlap with applications:

  1. Causing Self-Inflicted Harm                                                                                                                                                  
  2. Sensory Disorientation                                                                                                                                                       
  3. Attacking Individual Fears                                                                                                                                                  
  4. Attacking Cultural Identity.

This includes what has been coined as “no touch” invisible physical torture. The primary earmark of CIA Torture Programs is causing self-inflicted harm with a variety of intended meanings. The resulting harm is systematic systemic genocide for negative eugenics.

The CIA Torture Matrix/Paradigm consists of four principle parts that often overlap with applications:

1. Causing Self-Inflicted Harm:

  • The Primary Earmark of CIA Torture Programs, Mental Illness, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder [PTSD], and Suicide; etc.

2. Sensory Disorientation:

  • Light, Temperature, Sound, Voice to Skull [V2K] Devices Defined By US Army as NLW that use a specific sound frequency range to transmit message through the bones of the human skull, Direct Energy Weapons, Electronic Harassment, Telephonic Harassment, Weaponized Neurological Technologies, Gunfire, Loud Noises, Horns and Sirens, Repeated Ad Nauseam Stimulus or Subliminal Messaging scientifically proven able to permanently alter the human nervous system and change the chemistry of the brain aka Mind-Control or “Brainwashing”; etc.

3. Attacking Individual Fears:

  • Personal and Family Safety, Psyops Terrorism and “No touch” Invisible Physical Torture under the constant Threat of Death, Psyops, Brain Fingerprinting, COINTELPRO is an acronym for Counter Intelligence Program with ongoing operations conducting illegal fractionalizing practices since 1956 and which potentially enlisted the additional federal asset of the FBI’s InfraGard Program created in 1996. Counterintelligence Reverse Investigative Techniques, Psychological Herding, Fox and Hound Exercises [not to be confused with the subversive Anti-TI Activist myth of gangstalking or the legal definition of the stalking statute]; Harassment; Physical Assaults; Inappropriate Touching or same with recognizable False Apologies that might include a repeated frequency of occurrences while shopping or waiting in a line somewhere when an actor touches your bottom. Using Convicted Criminals released from prison to conduct deliberately visible and non-visible surveillance on former members of Law Enforcement who previously assisted in that criminal’s prosecution, to affect Political Retribution against the Targeted Individual [TI] and Government Whistleblower through COINTELPRO operations in conjuncture with the CIA Torture Matrix/Paradigm as an applied Clandestine Neutralization Campaign, which includes the prevention of gainful employment, separation from professional degrees or the completion of same while illegally disenfranchising the TI from all entitled state and federal constitutional civil liberties and inalienable human rights. The full version of the Blackfile Summary Report will include a 1994 COINTELPRO pseudo successful assassination attempt and conspiracy to commit illegal Cointelpro operations within the DEA, FBI and CIA on U.S. soil, before, during and after my employment with the FBI. Note: Gangstalking is a myth supported by Anti-TI Activist that know or should have known subverts current and previously documented historical evidence of U.S. Government culpability for ongoing COINTELPRO operations. The winning legal strategy for a restoration in the lives of targeted individuals is the reopening a 3rd Congressional COINTELPRO investigation with the appointment of a Special Independent Counsel possessing subpoena powers for obtaining classified government documents that shows a specific harm to a specific person by a specific federal agent. With this real evidence, the affected TI has laminated a winnable lawsuit that should harvest a meritorious restorative settlement.

4. Attacking Cultural Identity:

  • Anti-Semitism, Racial Discrimination, Gender Preference; etc. Individually these acts might seem commonplace, but when laminated together with a constant or nearly constant frequency of cyclical re-occurrence, these applications on multiple levels recognize the ingredients that become “no touch” invisible physical torture and terrorism often produced with the constant fear of death various tactics, techniques and technologies. Medical science recognizes that repeated stimulus alters the human nervous system and can permanently change the chemical neurology of the human brain. There is no more science fiction, everything has been manufactured or is already on the drawing board.    

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