Targeted Individuals: No! You’re Not Crazy!

This is a well-researched and very cogent article on what we targeted individuals go through. The writer is a literary agent, investigative journalist and targeted individual who writes ubiquitously about everything that is happening to our “Brave New World” on the way to the global implementation of the Luciferian New World Order.

My deep and heartfelt thanks goes out to the author of this and to all who are spreading the word about this fascist horror that has proliferated worldwide with virulence. May God bless all targeted individuals that they may know Him as the essence of truth and love who is faithful to perfect his own through persecution. He chastises those whom he loves to bring them into his perfect character and will. Take heart and be of good courage all it takes for God to prevail within the heart of a person is the faith of a minuscule mustard seed. Turn from what is wicked and seek the Lord and you can actually find peace amid suffering. And that is one of the many miraculous blessings that is bestowed upon the faithful who are being persecuted for His names’ sake. Peace and wisdom come to those who humble themselves and patiently persevere. NEVER give up the good fight for it only takes one candle to light the darkness. Peace be with you all.

UNPRECEDENTED Levels of Attacks for Weeks

EMR Readings that Max Out the Meter

Whether I am preparing my daily food extra-early in the morning (typically by 4:30), bathing, or trying to do anything else in my apartment at any time, I have been experiencing the radiation dance in my apartment for months. I take the meter with me and check throughout my activity if the radiation levels have been turned up. By taking the meter and following the reading to its strongest area of focus, you can determine the source or direction. Mine comes through one spot in the center wall of my apartment approximately 1 foot from the circuit breaker box and radiates out from there. Yesterday, I was left alone in my early am cooking session, however, the EMR went way high by 11:00, and I had to hustle the kitty and myself to our safe 5′ x 5′ corner; and there lunch ingredients were gathered to and prepared. Life by meter–good times in old Redondo.

Lately, these attacks have been at record levels of intensity. I take my meter and walk the parameters of my living space and record the radiation levels. The last few weeks, when I put the meter against my neighbor’s wall that is about 8 feet from the source, frequently, it is still well over 50 gauss with pulses topping the meter’s 50 gauss limit. That means that my neighbors are being treated to these insane levels of radiation that are high enough to make them sick. When the levels are very strong like this, I feel pressure in my head, my eyes ache, I get a headache, and even nauseous on occasion–and I’ll feel it within minutes. Are they just more collateral damage in this Freemason plot to destroy me? Considering that the man that lives there is a low level perpetrator, what does that say for their bloodthirsty system of power, abuse, control and sacrifice?

For the record, as soon as these radiation influxes happen, I grab my camera and shoot video of the me holding the meter as I walk around my apartment getting the measurements from room to room. I have done this for 6 months and have over a hundred of these videos. I had more, but the Anton look-alike perp likes to sabotage and steal things like that.

Wireless Attacks that have Shut Down My Phone and My Computer Device

The last few months have been ridiculous in terms of the “handling” of my attempts at communication. Recently, its been all day every day, to the point where I can’t get any business done. The recent total blockage of my phone’s signals, is just another aspect of a massive increase in targeting. All of my moving preparations have been re-schmegmafied and vandalized by Anton, too. Since he vandalized and broke my carpet cleaning machine one of the last times that he was crawling around in here, I ordered a new one on Amazon. I also had placed orders for athletic shoes, an air purifier, and vitamins.

The music of a circus calliope can be heard off in the distance….

The United Parcel felony Service and Federal felony Express fun zone is in full swing again. Step right up and, you too, can witness packages delivered cut or broken into, vandalized, stuffed back in, taped back up and delivered with the proverbial satanic grin. Now, when you get had by a company, you report the crime. The first items to arrive were the pair of athletic shoes and socks (Anton likes get to new shoes and stretch them out and cut stitches and fun stuff life that). The socks were fuzzed up and stretched out and the shoes were vandalized. I reported them and ordered their replacement, which came in 2 days in the same condition. I took pictures and reported.

That was 2 weeks ago and, now when I try to make a phone call, I cannot usually get through at all. My internet has been unusable for the most part, too. When the new carpet machine came, it was the first Fed Ex package and they literally had cut open each side and the top and took it out and heavily vandalized (broke) it. I guess they didn’t want me to be able to clean those carpets.

While trying to report the carpet machine, I was able to get through to Amazon customer service about 40 times, and actually got through and talked to a supervisor 4 times before I was disconnected. This went on for over 3 hours. It would seem that Big Brother was not going to let me report the carpet machine vandal crime. Knowing that Amazon records their calls, I decided to start talking in a more direct way; specifically about organized crime. Within 10 minutes of talking about organized crime, I got through and my 20 or so minute call was successful. I had expedited the shipping ($54) and wanted my steep shipping fee refunded in full. It also seems that whoever has been “handling” my communications does not want the public to hear these crimes referred to for what they are–government sponsored and sanctioned organized crime. They also love to waste my time and to bleed my bank account.

Increase in Intensity of All Directed Energy Attacks

I wake up with little cuts on my face and legs and tiny blood blisters all over my body. I get intense directed burning and stabbing pains daily. Usually the right side of the top of my head is the area of focus directed at my head.

Three weeks ago, at 4:30 on a Friday afternoon, I was kneeling by one of my plants when I started experiencing a sharp pain to my heart. I have had painful pains and spasms in my diaphragm before and this was  definitely all heart. The pain was so acute that, whenever I initiated even the slightest of movements, it would increase to an excruciating intensity and  I would immediately freeze. It took me over a 1/2 hour just  to get off the floor and into a nearby chair. The entire episode lasted over an 1 1/2 hours and was the most pain that I have ever experienced aside from several broken bone incidents in my life of torture spanning nearly 50 years.

Here I am, trying to move away from another gangster beach town (unfortunately to another one), and I have to keep paying more rent to get everything that I do stopped, thwarted, or seriously compromised. Just more organized gang crime shenanigans that create the wasting of time, a money bleed, and many cowardly attempts to incite fear, terror, and an absolute helpless powerlessness over a completely unjustified demonic situation of many years and counting. I am not afraid of cowards or of what can kill the body anymore. Many of us get backed into a corner where we have to take a stand and maybe even a bullet. But, I think Tupac put it most eloquently. Of course, as with many effective truth tellers in popular culture, he ended up being sacrificed in a public spectacle of blood-soaked carnage in order to terrorize the rest of us–a potent weapon in the NWO mind control arsenal.

My #1 Perpetrator at the Esplanade Apartment

In March of 2010, I moved from my aunt’s apartment into an apartment 2 blocks away on the Esplanade in Redondo Beach.  I had purchased a new lock for my aunt’s apartment and, when it seemed secure, I put one on the new apartment, too. During my move, there were many “men” hanging out in the garages and out side the garage area. I soon discovered that, not only did I not have security in one apartment, I now had no security in two! No matter what I have done–security systems, many high security deadbolt locks, other high-tech locks–I have never had security in this town nor has my cat ever been safe from the harm of local neighborhood sadists. I experience thefts, heavy vandalism and sabotage of all personal items and car, identity theft, bank account embezzlement, mail theft and tampering, UPS & FEDEX employee crimes to all packages prior to delivery, illegal surveillance of me in my residence with the filming and publishing of my body naked on the Internet and many tactics meant to create fear and terror, such as the maiming, plucking, drugging, cutting, toe pad and tail breakage and disfigurement of my cat, Marley. As mentioned previously, these organized criminals have also used Craigslist to publish false information about me and terroristic threats to my safety–both stated and implied. The Craigslist campaign started in 2007 when I was being “handled” by Chris Stock who told me to look on there for some strange reason–I found out why. Chris’ role in my story will have a post all its own.

As soon as the crimes began at the Esplanade apartment, there was one guy who was taking credit for them. Every time that I would discover that my apartment was vandalized and that my cat had been violently abused, my Anton LaVey lookalike neighbor  in the twin building next door would walk in front of my apartment window, stare in and laugh uncontrollably at my predicament. He would also post on Craigslist using the moniker “Jason Lee Cordeiro” posting from “Hollyweird” and the location “90027” (which is a twist on the 90277 zip code in Redondo Beach). Since I refused to go anywhere without security, I began a long period of time where I would go nowhere. My bald neighbor would address his “Jason Lee Cordeiro” posts to “Stuck in the House” in the “90027”. The posts were vile and talked about killing and rape. The Anton LaVey lookalike laughed hysterically as he would walk by and stare at me in my self-imposed fishbowl of exile. I would include evidence of all of the Craigslist harassment, however, my Craigslist, email, and other accounts have been hacked and the information erased. Also, my perpetrators have ruined no less than 5 computers that all contained incriminating evidence and pictures of much of the vandalism. My phones and camera memory cards have been routinely stolen also to eliminate the threat of pesky photographic evidence. Meanwhile, the crimes continued at my aunt’s apartment just two blocks away.

Also in March of 2010, both my aunt and my identities were stolen and my aunt’s credit cards were used in Europe. We were relegated to using cash and my aunt insisted on carrying large amounts until the new credit and ATM cards arrived. Naturally, my wallet was stolen with a large amount of cash in it and my aunt was being stolen from during this time. Also the bank manager of the US bank on Catalina, Ana Brianchesco, was in the process of embezzling upwards of $40,000 from my savings account. I suspect that my aunt’s account was being embezzled from by her also, but the bank refused to  investigate even though they fired the manager. Also, my aunt’s appointed trustee for her trust–E. Thomas Moroney–set her trust up so that none of her money was in interest-bearing accounts. I discovered that fact and told Tom to change the situation no less than 3 times in a period of 1 1/2 years; to no avail, Tom repeatedly opened up new checking accounts for the money rather than putting it into interest-bearing savings accounts. The bank and my aunt’s criminal defense attorney trustee, Tom Moroney, were complicit in the mishandling and misappropriation of these monies. My aunt made no interest, but she made the bank tons of it!

My Aunt was dying and it was my duty to take the best care of her that I could as I had my uncle. The stress of having two lives being actively destroyed along with a young animal and two apartments was, at times, overwhelming. I began to get my friend Bernard to come over to watch my apartment so that I could get provisions so that my personal items and cat would be safe. However, my aunt was my priority and she was a medically complicated woman dying of metastasized breast cancer and I took care of her fully knowing that my animal would be abused and the apartments and our personal items would be vandalized and denigrated the whole time that I was gone.

There are many things to tell about the 2 1/2 years that I have had the Esplanade apartment, but I am here to report about the main perpetrator as I have already published that I would if the crime did not stop. This reporting of all criminal activities is done with a thoughtful heart and absolute truthful certainty. The only threat against them is exposure as anyone whose name is submitted into this extrajudicial program is put on a list where the police look to accuse them of a crime/s and seem to attempt to intimidate and malign them. Even when there was obvious blood in numerous places in my bathroom and my apartment and personal items were obviously vandalized, the police would not investigate and the detective assigned called my crazy mother and eccentric friend in attempts to dig up dirt and spread suspicion about meNot only had I done nothing wrong, but my Christian values have guided my actions for years and I am incapable of intentionally hurting others. I also had achieved a lot for a woman in my 40’s prior to all of this contrived chaos to ruin my life and had a long record of stability.

Anton LaVey Lookalike Demonic Behavior

Its been obvious since day 2 that the apartment manager was part of this coordinated assault on my life because he charged me $100 for a refrigerator that I found out on day 2 was included with my apartment. The refrigerator was immediately vandalized and I had to purchase a new one. Just one perfect example of how everyone makes money on an organized stalking target. The Esplanade apartment manager said that he had to rearrange the garages and would give me a garage with an opener; when he did, the garage was located right under “Anton’s” apartment so that he could hear me come and go. Many a time when my car had been vandalized, “Anton” would come out when I was just discovering the damage and give me the evil eye much like his namesake in this picture.

This evil eye or stink eye, as the surfers refer to it, is used ubiquitously in organized stalking. When Chris Stock changed his program with me he would end our visit with a soulless stink eye glare. This glare is used to try to incite fear and intimidation within the victims of this full-frontal assault on one’s life and very soul. I believe that the satanic people that do this are operating at a very low frequency vibration as all negative emotions resonate at such. People, such as myself, that are optimistic are used to weak people trying to tear us down however they can over the entirety of our lives. I exercise the emotions of love, forgiveness, joy, peace and long-suffering and vibrate at a much higher frequency as a result. In my opinion, these satanic stalkers are emotional vampires and, like demons, have to feed off of the positive goodness in others and, as such, plan their destruction. I have read that, to satanists, the purer or more innocent the sacrifice, the more power that is derived from it. On a spiritual level, we are sacrifices that these demonic gang members make in order to attain spiritual power, to obtain control over others, to achieve street credibility and to move up within the occult organization. I have had the displeasure of running into many of these demonic gang stalkers as a surfer, both in and out of the water. Their energy and vibration is so dissimilar to mine that I can feel it before I can even catch a glance at the evil stink eye glare that is inevitably searing in my direction.

The most common characteristic of these crimes is that the perpetrators want you to know exactly who is doing the crime. And, if for some reason you miss the enormous hints and clues that are being hurled in your direction by the proud perpetrator who is aching for acknowledgement and for signs that his victim is indeed being terrorized, they are all too happy to write it on Craigslist or come up and rub it squarely in your face. Most targets miss many of these clues for quite some time and have stories of how their perpetrators finally broke down and wrote it on the wall for them so that they could get on with the business of being terrified. In my case, that was their purpose in using Craigslist–to literally clue me into what Organized Gang Stalking is and all of the tactics, skits and ploys used in the attempts they were using to accomplish their goal of creating mental instability and, hopefully, my suicide or early death. Most of these psychological games were created long ago and are tried and true methods to attempt to have a person question their own minds and perceptions. Many were tested and perfected in Nazi Germany and carried out by the Stasi. They are also tactics that have been long attributed to Freemasons and, most recently, the Church of Scientology.

I have many stories about the Anton LaVey lookalike, but I will share that since I began attempting to get his picture he has behaved quite differently. He gets real mad and immediately fumbles for his own phone and whips it out and takes my picture of me taking his–as if the whole world couldn’t tell who the sadistic, perverted, and psychopathic stalker without a job (other than the destruction of me, my animal and my property) is. Yeah, right. Good one, Anton!

Last Wednesday, as I was cleaning the carpets of the schmegma that he smeared all over them earlier, I noticed Anton approaching the apartment building on the walking path outside my picture window. As soon as he saw that I saw him, he turned around and walked in the opposite direction. He was already at the apartment building, but his fear of me taking his picture prompted him to go the long way around, down the walking path, up the steps and walkway and down the street in the other direction and to the front of the building.

When he had left to go on his two hour lunch while he was off-duty from harassing and surveilling me, he craned his head the other way and, when he turned it back to see where he was going, he reached around his head with his whole arm to obscure his profile. His arm resembled that of a frequent arm position of monkeys and was awkward and obvious. After 2 1/2 years of this guy violating me and my life in every way costing me my freedom, my safety, my cash, my food, my vitamins and provisions, the skin and bones of my animal, and the vandalism of every piece of clothing, furniture, trinket and book that I own, I am supposed to care what this sadistic lowlife wants? I think not. Hence, I waited about 5 minutes and set myself up at the entrance to the building to try to get a picture of Anton the perpetrator. I figured if it turns out, its providential as he was moving briskly and the camera phone has a delay. I will post his picture and you can judge for yourself.

Since I am being radiated in my apartment and have suffered many deleterious affects, as has my cat, I feel that I need to expose these people and what they do with an air of urgency and immediacy. I have waited a long time until I was sure that it was just about truthful disclosure and with no ill intention, such as vindictiveness, or revenge. This is my tenth year of being targeted in this program and many of my stalkers and handlers for years have been surfers. I have many things to tell and, since nothing changes and Anton and company have made my life next to impossible, I am going to  shine a light on these sadistic, lower frequency, vampiric, demonic souls and what they are doing to me and many others with sheer delight and with the complicity of the local police department. You may want to rethink moving to Redondo Beach if you value your health, privacy and safety.

Primary Perpetrator at the Esplanade Apartment