Muse’s “The Handler” : A Song about a Mind Control Slave Singing to His Handler

handler7Muse’s The Handler is one of the most obvious music videos about Monarch mind control ever created. However, it takes some basic knowledge on the subject to understand the true meaning of the video. Here’s a closer look at The Handler.

Muse’s lead singer Matt Bellamy was never a stranger to themes relating to the occult elite and mind control. The band’s 2009 album The Resistance contained titles such as Uprising and MKULTRA which alluded obscure topics relating to conspiracy theories. After the success of that album, Muse obtained some music industry recognition, participated in the 2012 Olympics Closing Ceremonies (which were a big occult elite ritual – read article about it here) and, since then, the band’s message somewhat shifted. Indeed, Matt Bellamy went from stating in 2006:

“September 11 is clearly an inside job, there’s massive evidence that suggests that it was either allowed to happen or even worse, deliberately made to happen”
– Drowned in Sound, Muse’s Matt Bellamy: September 11 is clearly an inside job”

To flip-flopping on the subject in 2012 :

“I don’t believe that anymore,  although there are lots of questions to be answered. I still read a lot about political history, the influence of corporations and the military but I make sure I’m reading from credible sources. I think my political views are bit more nuanced now.”
– Metro, Muse’s Matt Bellamy: It’s only now I feel comfortable singing about love

These kinds of statements, combined with a more subdued second album lead fans to wonder if the band “sold out” to the music business.

However, the band’s latest album, Drones, brings Muse back to its “Resistance” roots, and goes even further down the rabbit hole. Drones is indeed a concept album that “follows the protagonist’s journey from abandonment to indoctrination as a “human drone” and eventual defection”.

Matt Bellamy described Drones as an album about the dehumanization of modern warfare:

“To me, drones are metaphorical psychopaths which enable psychopathic behaviour with no recourse. The world is run by drones utilising drones to turn us all into drones. This album explores the journey of a human, from their abandonment and loss of hope, to their indoctrination by the system to be a human drone, to their eventual defection from their oppressors.”
– Gigwise, Muse announce Drones album and UK Psycho tour

The album cover of Drones depicts an unseen puppet master controlling a drone who is controlling masses of drones.

The album cover of Drones depicts an unseen puppet master controlling a drone who is controlling masses of drones.

The sixth song of the album, entitled The Handler, describes the protagonist’s indoctrination … and this indoctrination is clearly accomplished through Monarch mind control  (if you don’t know what I’m referring to, read this article first). The vocabulary of the song and the symbolism of the video could not be clearer, making The Handler one of the clearest references to Monarch programming in popular culture to date. Let’s look at the video.

The Handler

The song is about an MK slave singing to his handler. Right from the start, the lyrics refer to trauma-based mind control.

You (you, you)
Were my oppressor
And I (I, I)
I have been programmed to obey

And now (now, now)
You are my handler
And I (I, I)
I will execute your demands

The handler was first the “oppressor” as he subjected the slave to unbearable pain, torture and trauma in order to induce dissociation. Once that is accomplished, the oppressor becomes the “handler” who programs an alter-persona that can be controlled at will.

In the video, a shady figure in a black hood plays the role of the handler. He’s sticking out of a strange structure which appears to be the brain of the slave. While the handler acts as the master of ceremonies, symbolic images rotate around the slave’s brain. All of them refer to Monarch programming – and many of them are actual MK trigger images.

As Muse sings about the Handler, a bunch of symbolic characters move in front of him. Here, a moon crescent inside a cage represent the imprisonment of the MK slave.

As Muse sings about the Handler, a bunch of symbolic characters move in front of him. Here, a moon crescent inside a cage represent the imprisonment of the MK slave.

Then Alice in Wonderland appears. This fairytale is used by MK handlers to program slaves as they are encouraged to “follow the white rabbit through the looking glass” towards dissociation.

Then Alice in Wonderland appears. This fairytale is used by MK handlers to program slaves as they are encouraged to “follow the white rabbit through the looking glass” towards dissociation.

Here we see Minnie Mouse (a reference to Mickey Mouse programming) and, left of it, a chest full of Monarch butterflies flying around. Pinocchio also later makes an appearance. The story of the wooden puppet created by a puppeteer who turns into a “real boy” resonates deeply in MK programming.

Here we see Minnie Mouse (a reference to Mickey Mouse programming) and, left of it, a chest full of Monarch butterflies flying around. Pinocchio also later makes an appearance. The story of the wooden puppet created by a puppeteer who turns into a “real boy” resonates deeply in MK programming.

Another item waltzing in front of the handler is a teddy bear. Plush toys and pets are often given to slaves so they can bond with them and get some comfort … have them live the trauma of losing a loved one. We’ll later see how this plays out in the video.

The lyrics of the song mention the key steps of Monarch programming. The chorus alludes to the ultimate goal of Monarch programming: dissociation.

Leave me alone
I must disassociate from you

The word “dissociate” appears in large letters above a shady handler while Alice in Wonderland twirls around. This could not be more MKULTRA-related.

The word “dissociate” appears in large letters above a shady handler while Alice in Wonderland twirls around. This could not be more MKULTRA-related.

After being subjected to intense trauma and torture, MK slaves are pushed towards dissociation – it is a natural defense mechanism of the brain when faced to unbearable trauma.  After dissociation, handlers have “access” to the slave’s brain and can create programmable alter-personas.

The second verse of the song relates to the state of the slave after programming.

Behold my transformation

The video spells out “transformation” as  Trance Formation. It is a reference to the book Trance Formation of America by Cathy O’Brien.

The video spells out “transformation” as Trance Formation. It is a reference to the book Trance Formation of America by Cathy O’Brien.

Trance Formation of America is one of the first books ever to reveal the Monarch mind control system used by the occult elite. In her biography, O’Brien writes:

“I have prepared this book for your review and edification concerning a little known tool that “our” United States Government is covertly, illegally, and un-constitutionally using to implement the New World Order (One World Government). This well documented tool is a sophisticated and advanced form of behavior modification (brainwashing) most commonly known as MIND CONTROL. My first hand knowledge of this TOP SECRET U.S. Government Psychological Warfare technique is drawn from my personal experience as a White House “Presidential Model” mind-control slave.”

The rest of the second verse describes the powerlessness of a programmed MK slave who cannot help but to obey to the handler’s orders. The slave is a stranger in his own mind.

And you are empowered to do as you please
My mind was lost in translation
And my heart has become a cold and impassive machine

The third verse is about the slave rebelling and attempting to break from his programming.

I won’t let you control my feelings anymore
And I will no longer do as I am told
And I am no longer afraid to walk alone
Let me go
Let me be
I’m escaping from your grip
You will never own me again

During the third verse, things change in the mind of the slave: The moon is free from its cage, the Monarch butterflies are free from the chest and the handler is dead.

During the third verse, things change in the mind of the slave: The moon is free from its cage, the Monarch butterflies are free from the chest and the handler is dead.However, like most stories about Monarch programming, victory is mere illusion.

However, like most stories about Monarch programming, victory is mere illusion.


As the camera zooms out, we see another, larger handler above the dead handler. In the MK system, there are multiple levels of handlers. Most MK handlers are slaves themselves who are used to carry out the dirty work as superior level handlers oversee the entire process. Notice how the teddy bear now hangs upside down.

In Conclusion

The Handler is one of the most blatant music videos about Monarch mind control in popular culture. However, contrary to other MK-themed pop videos described on this site, the narrative of Muse’s story does not glorify Monarch programming, it goes against it. Does that mean that, despite being signed to a major label, Muse is anti-elite and anti-establishment?

Well, that’s not clear.  As stated in an article in Pseudo-Occult media, there’s a duality that permeates the message and the symbolism of Muse’s works. On one hand, some of their work has a rebellious and revolutionary message but, on the other hand, the band ultimately just adds more occult elite noise in mass media, albeit with a slightly different perspective. While the symbolism of The Handler could not be clearer for someone who knows about Monarch mind control, it still goes way above the heads of regular viewers (read the YouTube comments of the video, you’ll understand).

In the end, the work of Muse accomplishes what symbolism does best: It reveals to those in the know and conceals from those who are not. For this reason, it is up to us to be vigilant citizens and understand what mass media is trying to sell us. Otherwise, we will turn into drones who are controlled by other drones.

The Vigilant Citizen

DARPA Scientist Dr. Robert Duncan Interview, 2/28/15–How to Create a “Super Spy”, No-Touch Torture & Trauma-Based Conditioning Programs

Dr. Duncan talks in detail about the technology being used in no-touch torture programs.  He explains more in this video than any other that I’ve seen.  He claims that the technology is being developed to be used on the overall population.

By Steve DiBasio

Robert Duncan is a scientist with multiple degrees from Dartmouth College and Harvard University in Applied Sciences (e.g., artificial intelligence, pattern recognition and robotics) and Business. He has worked on projects for the CIA, Department of Defense, and Department of Justice. In 2004 he testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee, Judiciary Committee, and 23 members of Congress regarding non-consensual experimentation on American citizens.

In 2010 he authored, in partnership with an anonymous consortium of scientists calling themselves the “Mind Hacking Strategy Group,” a book entitled Project: Soul Catcher, Secrets of Cyber and Cybernetic Warfare Revealed.  He has appeared on the radio show Coast To Coast and was interviewed by Jesse Ventura for the “Brain Invaders” episode of the television program Conspiracy Theory. [1]

I cited Duncan’s work in an article I wrote for Veterans Today and Nexus Magazine called “Mind Control In The 21st Century” (Part I and Part II). Recently I had the opportunity to speak with him.

In the interview posted below we discuss, among other topics, remote “mind reading,” CIA hive mind experimentation (multiple people sharing the same mental “space”), how people can be targeted and tracked remotely via their energy signature or “brain print,” the existence and use of a technology for remotely “cloning” or “copying” thoughts, emotions and other states (including intense pain) onto a target, [2] and how a weapons system capable of totalitarian control has been developed (with non-consensual and often-times brutal experimentation on civilians ongoing).

Duncan also reveals that many people are now in wireless mental contact with artificial intelligence run on supercomputers.

It is worth noting that current research projects, according to Duncan, have targeted people from all walks of life, not merely (or mainly) the “downtrodden,” as was done in the past.

Some of these targets are threatened with harm to themselves or family members if they do not carry out the instructions of their “handler,” or are promised release from their tortures if they perform some action. [3]

For example, Myron May, the Florida State University shooter, a former assistant district attorney, posted on Facebook before the shooting:

Has anyone been asked to kill promise of freedom

Duncan, who has interviewed many targets, has said that he immediately recognized the “torture script” used on May after listening to a recording in which May discusses his ordeal.

Perhaps most frightening is Duncan’s contention that the scalability of this technology is being tested: “…[A] lot of people won’t believe me and that’s fine. But they’re increasing this. They are scaling this technology to the entire population.

[1] A partial summary history of his work (classification prevents full disclosure) includes: Tank recognition from satellites, submarine signature recognition from acoustic underwater phased arrays, stock market statistical arbitrage, voice and vascular signature recognition, truth detection systems, robotic surgery in medicine, EEG controlled robots, and “brain print” recognition.

[2] The technology is called “EEG Cloning” or “EEG Heterodyning.” The brain patterns (electromagnetic signals) “cloned” onto the target may be catalogued brain patterns stored in computers, though live signals from a “real person’s” brain could also be transmitted to the target.

[3] The handler communicates with the target through a technology for transmitting voices into people’s heads which goes by many names, including “voice to skull,” synthetic telepathy,” “microwave hearing,” and the “Frey effect.” The communication may also be accomplished via EEG heterodyning, which involves “re-mapping the auditory cortex of the human brain.”  Other technologies for transmitting voices include “ultrasonic heterodyning” and bone conduction techniques.

See also: